18 October 2010


Singer-songwriter Andrew Peterson on George MacDonald, imagination, and not growing up ...
I mention that as an example of a time I’m glad I remembered how to be a child, and how to take the time to see. Most of the time I just snap a picture with my phone. But once in a while I manage to take a deep breath and make a choice to live life as if everything is a miracle. I remember what it was like to be a kid who loved to draw. Now, imagine learning to approach the Gospel that way. Imagine looking at your children that way. Imagine how rich every moment would be if we could keep that sleepy inner child awake.

Part One is here.

Part Two, here.

Here's Part Three.

Andrew Peterson's latest album, Counting Stars, is very, very good.

More here.

Thanks for your thoughtfulness, Abi.


  1. wow!! i LOVE what he's written, i've never seen all that:) thank YOU!

  2. Great post. Thanks for the introduction to the 'rabbitroom'.
    This internet thing is an amazing
    contraption. S
