20 June 2010


Thanks Dad!

My Dad has been a wonderful guide to me. I love the way my Dad does things, the way he goes about things.

Dad's an engineer. Everything has "a way." Figuratively and literally, Dad has "a way."

His "system." Grill, garage, garden, yard, ... packing! Mom and Dad take extended expeditions to see me here in Ohio and my sis in Virginia Beach. Dad can pack a vehicle, boy! Organized, accessible, practical ... with a cat.

My Dad gave me my love, respect, and appreciation for many of the things that are important me.

Food ... unmatched on the grill. U-N-M-A-T-C-H-E-D. He uses gas, but this is Father's Day so we won't go there. Besides, the things he can do with a box of wood chips will make you think he cooked over a campfire! U-N-M-A-T-C-H-E-D. And, he is always "experimenting." Ask anyone who's had it about Dad's Higgins Lake Chicken.

Here's a shot of Dad and his brother, my Uncle Fred. Up North, frying perch old school ... no turkey fryer, no Fry Daddy. No, these boys banged it out in frying pans atop the charcoal Weber, Jack!
HA! Look above at the lawn chairs in the background ...

Speaking of Up North, as a kid, I remember everyday seemed like a field trip! Woods, water, sky (we had cloud charts and Beaufort scales posted in the garage), fishing, boating, camping, sports, bikes, radios, airhorns, flags, cameras, tools ("Use whatever you want, just put it back" ... did you ever leave a hammer outside, in the rain, at a friend's house?!), fire pits, PIE IRONS!!!

As I've said before, Dad and I don't always see things the same way. We're wired differently ... sometimes I'm sure he wonders if I'm wired at all! He's a wonderful teacher ... patient. He shows, then you do.

For all of his systems, mannerisms, and regulations, it may seem like Dad's a tough guy. Nope. My cousin Sally sat me down one night and told me story after story about my Dad. Tales of family get-togethers and emergencies, jokes ... after she was finished, she grabbed me, looked me in the eye with a huge, warm smile and said, "That guy's got soul."

Yes, he does.

Thanks Dad.

I love you. Happy Father's Day.

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