05 December 2009

Poetry and The Primitive

Gary Snyder, "Poetry and the Primitive: Notes on poetry as an Ecological Survival Technique," 1967

“Poetry” as the skilled and inspired use of the voice and language to embody rare and powerful states of mind that are in immediate origin personal to the singer, but at deep levels common to all man who listen. “Primitive as those societies which have remained non-literate and non-political while necessarily exploring and developing in directions that civilized societies tended to ignore. Having fewer tools, no concerns with history, a living oral tradition rather than an accumulated library, no overriding social goals, and considerable freedom of sexual and inner life, such people live vastly in the present. Their daily reality is a fabric of friends and family, the field of feeling and energy that one’s own body is, the earth they stand on and the wind that wraps around it; and various area’s of consciousness.

Read the rest here.

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