"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

06 September 2012


"Bradbury Landing is the first named site on Mars not marked by an object, but by ephemeral burn scars from [Curiosity's] landing thrusters. Project scientist John Grotzinger describes the site as 'four scour marks with wheel tracks that basically begin from nowhere.'"

It turns out that Bradbury Landing is also a kind of literary site, an interplanetary Newspaper Rock: the tracks left behind by the Curiosity rover are actually a form of Morse code.

Read the rest at BLDGBLOG.


Anonymous said...

the tracks are a code...how are they read? this fascinates me. Sunday morning java and brain buzz.

Susan Dyer
The Moveable Alphabet

Rob Firchau said...

I'm wondering WHO is reading the code??? I like thinking about this.

Thanks for commenting, Susan!